So, when the boys and I piled up in the car that same evening headed to their Wednesday night activities at church, and the car wouldn't start, I was very surprised (and disappointed) by my reaction.
I immediately felt so frustrated! We have had a really difficult year, both financially and physically, and for the most part, I have had a great attitude. But when my car would not start Wednesday, I just lost it.
Go figure.
I called Shannon (who was on his way home from work) to tell him about the car, and bless his heart, he said he would take the boys to church when he got home. He even called back and said, "Why don't you go with me. Just put our dinner on some plates, and we can have a 'picnic' while the boys are in church. I'll even treat you to a Starbucks."
While we waited for Shannon to get home, I had Daniel go get the mail, and I called my mom. I started just crying as I talked to her. I just felt so overwhelmed with all of the events from this past year, not to mention the bills from my surgery, Allie being sick, inflation, etc., so my car not starting was just the straw that broke the camel's back. As I was talking to my mom though....I saw that I had received a letter from my sweet bloggy friend, Paula.
When I opened it, I just started bawling. (Sorry, Mom!)
I was so blown away by Paula's thoughtfulness to me and God's constant goodness. He continues to comfort and bless me even when I am so frustrated with Him.
I had read Paula's post on November 8th titled "Hope Restored." Click here to read Paula's encouraging words. I left her a comment on that post and told her that I was going to write down all of the Scriptures that she had shared in her post. And I did; I wrote each of them down on a piece of paper to keep in my daily calendar.
Anyway, as I was reading her card to me, tears were pouring down my face. She had made me a magnet that had each of those verses on it. She even used some fall leaves from her own yard to decorate the magnet. Take a look.

Isn't it beautiful? Isn't Paula beautiful?
I cannot begin to tell you how Paula's thoughtfulness touched me. There I was feeling so overwhelmed about something as silly as my car not starting, while at the same time the Lord of all Creation was still trying to speak to me and comfort me through the thoughtfulness of this precious woman.
Well, I don't have to tell you, my perspective was immediately changed.
Shannon got home, and we took the boys to church. They even arrived on time. We had our romantic picnic in the car (because the rain was still pouring down outside).
And just like he promised, after our picnic, my sweet husband took me to Starbucks, so we could each get a coffee and read our books while we waited.
Here we are at Starbucks....
My sweet hubby.....


And Scarlet......;)

We all three had such a lovely evening.
Paula, if you are reading this, thank you, my sweet friend. Your magnet is now on my refrigerator as a constant reminder for me to be still and wait on our Lord, and it is also a reminder of your thoughtfulness to me. You are a special lady, Paula, and I am blessed to call you friend.
My cup runneth over with thankfulness.
And for those of you reading this post today, here are the verses that God led Paula to share with me. I pray that they will bless you like they have blessed me.
Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. Psalm 27:14a
Be still before the Lord; wait patiently for Him. Psalm 37:7
Be still, and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10a
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1
The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him and I am helped. Psalm 28:7a
You will seek Me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13
Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3
The Lord is good to those who wait on Him, to the soul who seeks Him. Lamentations 3:25
Dear Lord,
Thank you for your constant love and goodness to me. I am not deserving of either, but you lavish me with Your love and goodness anyway. And for that, Lord, I am truly thankful.
With a humble heart I say these words in Christ's sweet name.

Sometimes things can crash down on like a waterfall. It probably did you good to have a cry. You look like you had cheered up by the time you got to starbucks. You have such a good man there and a lovely supportive friend and mother and your faith in God. Hope you can be happy today.
Amen!! I do know this lady named Paula, I am so inspired by her!!
She has helped me open my heart, she has taught me soooo much!
She has made me cry and she has made me laugh. She is a friend and a blessing to ME. I am so glad that she touched your heart like she has touched mine! I never miss one of her writings. Even my Husband asks now "How's Paula"! I talk about her alot.
I pray everyday for her, like I pray for You/Amy.
You both are very special to me!
Those scriptures are ones I am too working on.
I love those leaves she used!! Never seen leaves that big before.
Be Blessed my friend
I also wanted to mention "Shannon"
I love how he mentioned it to be a picnic~~don't ya just Love when a man's heart reaches out at the right time, and then Starbucks,,,you goooo girl!
See you are so blessed :)
Some years you feel like will never end and other events keep you waiting....I am so sorry that things have been going poorly, but God is good and I remind myself that all I need is enough strength for today! God Bless!!
Thank you. I needed this one today.
Those are some great verses. Isn't God's timing amazing?! And what a wonderful husband Shannon is! He is definitely a keeper! :)
God bless,
I wish I could give you a big hug this morning. I've been on the verge of one of these meltdowns myself, struggeling so hard to be grateful and see past all the stresses that dont matter. It's almost impossible somedays, but I keep trying.
I am honored and deeply humbled, Amy. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that my actions would come back to bless me. I'm fighting the tears right now. I'm just overwhelmed at this moment. As I was reading this I thought I knew what I'd say but I don't know what that is.
For one, I thank Jesus for getting that card to you on THIS day. I was blowing my leaves the day I was thinking about you and your comment about these verses. It was then I thought, I'll type the verses for her. I first thought I would just type them in color on a piece of paper. But as I blowed the gorgeous leaves, I wanted to share a little piece of gorgeous with you. I didn't wait. I was johnny on the spot to get this done. I got it in the mail the next day. I'm so, so, so thankful that He gave it to you on that day you needed it MOST.
The tears are starting again...I am just SOOO touched by this. for some other comments quickly.
1) I noticed your lovely purse in the first pic before you even highlighted it. Sporting your coffee, Scarlet, and book, what else is there? :-) smiles
2) And what is "Paula if you are reading this" all about? Well, hello. You know I read all of your posts. Not at the crack of dawn like Mia but hey, I read them all.
3) I love how Shannon seems so calm and mellow looking at the bright side of things. What a blessing to you. What an even balance as a couple.
I heart you very much girl!!!!!
Thank you for touching my heart to the depths of my soul. I feel I was just following my heart and God's prompting to make this for you. I had NO idea of God's great plan for this simple act. I'm honored that the Almighty would use me in such a profound way.
Much love, sweet one.
Wow Amy, you are blessed to have such beautiful people in your life. Have a wonderful weekend. (:
I'm telling you, that Starbucks cupa and that purse look mighty fine together!
Even in our darkest hours, God's light is always shining through. I thank him today for friends who have been that light; for a husband who always brings God's light to me and for a house full of healthy, laughing children who are generous and willing to shine God's love and light into my heart.
The rhythm of life...and light. Thank God for them both!
Oh your hubby is SO sweet! What a blessing :) Starbucks mmm...
How sweet of Paula to send such a precious gift! God spoke to her heart and she obeyed and you were blessed!
We all break down at times and I know God understands. Y'all have had quite a year.
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and praying your car doesn't have anything major wrong with it.
Oh man, sweet Amy! What a day! I feel for you! Life can be overwhelming at times, and the smallest things can set us off. Trust me. I can definitely relate! I admire the way that you consciously changed your attitude right there on the spot. Thanks for being real with us!
I am cracking up at this post and not because you have had a hard time or because your car made you cry b/c I completely feel your pain in those areas and would NEVER laugh at that (especially now that we've become so close, as being your friend has, shall we say, 'spiced' up my life?!?!) ;)
First of all, I think it's sadly funny how we both had one of these types of days on Wednesday - mine was in the morning and yours was in the evening. Between the two of us He got LOTS of laughs.
I love what Paula did for you. How thoughtful.
BUT the part that is cracking me up is the look on your face at Starbucks. I must say, I don't think you are that excited because of the book you're reading or because of the coffee you're drinking....I think you're excited because you've got Scarlet by your side. LOL!
Oh and Shannon...You Rock!! Like I've always said....the world's second greatest husband ;)
Love you guys.
Me :)
Aww, Amy. Mom's are such a safe place to melt into, aren't they? I'm just guessing that your mom is a pretty good shoulder to cry on. You have had quite a year, friend. You are an inspiration to me, dear one. The grace that you have handled these past months makes me want to be a better person. As friend Mariel, from Growing in Godliness says, you look like Jesus, my friend.
And how about that sweet Paula? She always has the right words at just the right time.
What a blessing you are.
Love you,
What a touching post! I love that you had a picnic in the car with your sweet. I understand how things can get overwhelming at times...I'm so glad we serve a faithful and loving God!
Thanks for posting this, I really needed to read this today. God truly does show His love for us in so many ways, thoughtful friends and wonderful husbands really are a gift from God! I hope you have a great weekend.
Hey friend,
I'm sorry you had a rough day, and I'm sorry that things are not better for you right now. I think I have said before that the best words in the scriptures are "and it came to pass". This too shall pass, despite how unbearable it all seems right now.
"Painted on a tapestry, we see the way it has to be, weaving through the laughter and the tears..."
I am glad that Paula's thoughfulness touched your life at the very moment you needed it and that Shannon was so sweet to think of this impromtu date.
God bless you my friend, you are special!
Paula I have been very lazy lately and haven't been able to beat everyone to the comments!!
Amy, don't you just love how God turns it all around? ME TOO!! You are truly blessed my dear!!
What a sweet blessing and pleasant reminder that God IS present in all of our life!
You go Paula!! Another jewell in that crown. Your actions were not just for Amy but also for Christ.
In His Graces~Pamela
Come by my blog around 9 am (MOUNTAIN TIME) tomorrow (MON), I've got a surprise for you! Your getting an award!!!
What an awesome turnaround in your day! And such a blessing!! A wonderful friend, husband, PURSE and coffee! You are so blessed!!
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