"Come and listen to a story about a
A poor mountaineer, barely kept her family fed,
Then one day she was shootin' at some food,
And up through the ground came a bubblin' crude.
Oil that is, black gold, Texas tea."
Okay well it's not exactly oil.
Or black gold.
Or Texas tea for that matter.
And, come to think of it, I didn't really even shoot at anything.
But I did receive a very exciting surprise here in Crazyville.
I won a contest.
The girl who never wins anything.
Well, if you don't count the book I won for being a homeschooling dinosaur. But I digress.
Anyway, my bloggy friend Mari at the Mari's Morning Room blog announced about a giveaway that was going on at TitleTrakk.com.
So, I entered, and long story made short, I won their Fantastic Fall Giveaway! I could not believe it. Mari, thank you so much for letting all of your bloggy friends know about the contest.
Here is a list of the items that I won.
The Grand Prize Winner will receive:
Whispers of the Bayou by Mindy Starns Clark
Rachel's Secret by BJ Hoff
Beach Dreams by Trish Perry
Playing God by Michelle McKinney Hammond
White Soul by Brandt Dodson
The Legend of the Firefish by George Bryan Polivka
Finding Marie by Susan Paige Davis
The Power of Praying Through the Bible by Stormie Omartian
A Man After God's Own Heart by Jim George
Evidence for Faith 101 by Bruce Bickel & Stan Jantz
Wake Up! Wake Up! by Everyday Sunday
Rock What You Got by Superchick
Sunday by Tree63
Houston We Are Go by Newsboys (Live CD/DVD)
Nothing Left To Lose by Mat Kearney
I Am Free Worship Collection
Salvation Station by Newworldson
Not Without Love by Jimmy Needham
Pages by Shane & Shane
Colors and Sounds by Article One
Love's Unfolding Dream
The Ten Commandments Animated
Between the Walls
I was so excited to win all of these items. What a blessing!
So, my bloggy buddies, what can you learn from this post today? Never ever give up. I have entered many contests and never won a thing. But, I didn't let that stop me. And finally, my persistence paid off.
Of course, you should apply this persistence to all areas of your life, not just giveaways. But giveaways sure are nice, amen? ;)
When the world says, "Give up,"
Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."
~Author Unknown

Well now its time to say good-bye to Amy and all her kin.
And they would like to thank you folks fer kindly droppin' in.
You're all invited back again to this locality
To have a heapin' helpin' of their hospitality
Hillbilly that is. Set a spell. Take your shoes off. Y'all come back now, y'hear?

Very nice, love the quote! Have a wonderful day Amy...sounds like you already are having a wonderful day:)
Way to go Dino mom!! The only thing I have won was a pair of Grand Ole Opry tickets which I turned around and gave away.
Dog, woman, talk about the jack pot. When you win, you REALLY win, huh? You know what, I think God is giving you one item for every contest you entered and didn't win. He was testing your patience. Ya think? Leave it up to me to find something spiritual or a lesson in such a thing. Okay, I guess when God tells us not to work on the Sabbath I should head that and put my brain to rest.
Seems like I've not talked to you in forever.
That website or person is one generous person.
Big congrats to go with big hugs.
You forgot one item you received from the give away...your name in lights. Okay, well your name on the website as winner.
Congratulations!!! That is an awesome prize.
Now that is way cool!!! Hey am I showing my age by saying way and cool in the same sentence!!! :)
How fun. I am happy you won.
Hey congrats on your prize, you must have been tickled pink!
let us know how you like them.
Congrats on winning the contest!! :) Enjoy all your prizes.
God bless,
I share your same bad luck!
WOA! I LOVE winning stuff!
Now you can Wake Up! Wake Up!
& Rock What You've Got
First off I'll tell ya that I found your blog from a couple of my bloggy buddies (Mia & Beandip) and you are such a hoot! LOL, I've been reading some of your older posts and you crack me up girl! I can SO relate to not having luck winning any contests :( Never been there, done that. Congrats on *your* winnings and what a great loot you will have :)
Now,... I'm off to lurk your recipe section ;)
Be blessed!
I love that you won all of that!! That is some good loot, friend.
I am so happy for you....you winner you!!
You have enough reading material,good music and movies to take you through the long winter!
I can't think of anyone who deserves it more : )
Loved this...you always make me smile! Congrats on the win...you definitely deserve it!
Lucky ducky!! I love the hillbilly song to go with it...clever.
Wow! Congrats, Amy! couldn't have happened to a nicer gal! Can't wait to hear how you enjoy all that bounty in some future post...
Wow Amy! Congratulations!! Waiting really paid off for you, huh?
About my new boots and shoes...maybe I'll have to post about them. I didn't want to brag, but they are so cute and I got them for such a great deal. You crack me up...thanks for being interested and wanting to see my purchases. ;)
Wow Amy! Congratulations!! Waiting really paid off for you, huh?
About my new boots and shoes...maybe I'll have to post about them. I didn't want to brag, but they are so cute and I got them for such a great deal. You crack me up...thanks for being interested and wanting to see my purchases. ;)
What a haul! I imagine you'll be buried in bliss for a long season. You deserve every blessing, friend. Enjoy them each one.
That is great - WOW - Congratulations!! Enjoy!
Og my gosh! I can't beleive you won that contest. Whnt a great win! Thanks for stopping by today. I know your heart in the matter you addressed. We are there too. I will be praying for you as you explore where God wants you.
In His Graces~Pamela
I have explained the water tanks for you on my blog in the comment section. Thanks for being interested.
Congratulations on your 'big win' :) Maybe our luck is turning around. ;)
((Big Hugs))
Amy, like I told you, I was having a not so great morning. But when you informed me that you had won, it turned my day around. I am so happy for you. I would be jealous if I didn't like you so much. That's quite a goodie bag honey. So very happy for you, you big winner you!
That's AWESOME!!! Congratulations!
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