It's that time again...Time for some more "Grilling Goodness." If you would like to join in all of the fun, just click here. Tina would love to have you all participate!
Tina got this week's questions off of the Internet. They were part of a husband meme that she did in honor of her husband's birthday. She said that we could either answer these questions about ourselves or mix it up a little and answer them about our spouse!! So, since I love talking about my spouse, today's grilling is all about my sweet hubby.
Now, on with the grilling.....
1. Sitting in front of the TV, what’s on the screen?

Shannon loves to watch Survivor, The Mentalist, Criminal Minds, The Big Bang Theory, My Name is Earl, and he really loves this show.......

And even though I tried really hard not to like this show, I just cannot help myself. It is very funny!
2. You’re out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad?
Shannon always orders the vinaigrette dressing. He loves it.

3. What’s one food he doesn’t like?
Just the thought of Sushi makes him gag.
4. What is his favorite type of sandwich?
Shannon loves when I make him a Steak um sandwich with onions, peppers, and cheese. Like so.

And a side of fries does not hurt his feelings one little bit. ;)
5. What would this person eat everyday if he could?
I had to ask him about this one, because he loves so many different types of dishes. But he said that if he could, he would love to eat some form of grilled chicken breast every day.
I, of course, giggled, because he used the word breast.
Don't judge.
I live with three males. I now permanently have the sense of humor of a twelve year old boy.
6. What is his favorite cereal?
Shannon is a man who loves all foods that are healthful, so this is his favorite breakfast cereal.

He eats it almost every morning...with lots of cinnamon and honey.
7. What would he never wear?
Shannon would never be caught wearing Jerry's puffy shirt.

I'm just saying.
8. What is his favorite sports team?
Shannon does not care for any sports teams, per se, but he does love to watch UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship). And Matt Serra is his favorite ultimate fighter.

But Shannon's favorite sport of all is rock climbing. Just look at his form.

Oh, I do love that man. ;)

OOOOh that rock climbing looks scary, don't you worry about him falling off?
When Kristen still lived at home she'd watch Rob & Big and you're right....it is funny!
My man will not even try sushi!
When you live with all men, you just have to adjust, huh? ;) I always felt a little sorry for my dad. He grew up with 5 sisters and then got married and had five daughters. Can you imagine?!!
Have a wonderful week, Amy!
I am in wholehearted agreement with him about the shushi. Yuck! But not the rock-climbing. I'll just watch, thank you very much. I can fall down just walking across the room. LOL
Are you kidding...is Shannon really a rock climber...my brother is too! My brother has done El Capitan. It's his escape now that he has twin girls. He's amazing to watch. I agree with the puffy shirt, never heard of the cereal.
Amy...you should know better then to mention what Shannon DOESN'T like...remember what happened when you mentioned you HATED cotton balls and frogs....now I have to find a way to ship Sushi...you'll keep my mind busy on that one....he he he.....God Bless
I love your Grilling Monday..what a fun way to find out more about you! Well this time.. Your Husby.
I am glad you guys liked Twilight! A lot of people..are complaining saying it was not as good as the book.. I want to say, Okay folks.. Did you really think it would be..lol. I know they could have added a lot more but for a film done on a low bugdget.. I thought it was good.
I wish he would have told Bella that she smelled funny..after the blood transfusion in the hospital.. : ) What do you wish they would have added?
Oh, I didn't word the Not Me Monday very well... My BLAKE did have a small pic in the mag. I was excited!! : )
Amy, you are my favorite woman in the world today. You took an entire family of men to Twilight... that's amazing. :) You are my hero.
So glad you enjoyed it too. Wasnt it hilarious to see that many crazy women in one place? :)
Once again, Shannon sounds like a keeper! :) Bob and I love rock climbing too. I think it is funny he does not like Sushi because I think that is what Bob would say he could eat everyday. :)
Have a great day!
God bless,
That is one of my favorite Seinfeld episodes!!
Too bad he does not like Sushi...while visiting Crazyville I ate at a fantastic sushi restaurant!!
WOW, look at him climb!!
Happy Monday:)
What fun to hear about your hubby! He sure does eat healthy, huh? I've never heard of that cereal before. Does it taste yummy?
By the way, I LOVE the new pictures you put up of the toe of you and the boys...and the quote about no gaurantees and marriage and a battery....how funny is that!:)
Happy Thanksgiving!
What a guy!! That sandwich looks GOOD! Its lunch time right now ; )
You have got yourself quite a hubby Amy!!
Cute post!
What??? no sushi???
#1 - Well, at least you have the benefit of looking at Brad while he's watching this one :) AND that other show looks like something my hubby prolly watches.
#3 - BLECH!!! GAG, GAG, BLECH!! I completely agree with Shannon on this one.
#4 - I'll take the fries. He can have the sandwich ;)
#5 - Tee-hee! He said Breast.
#7 - I am so glad he would not wear that shirt!!
#8 - Go Shannon!! Good form? Yes, but I somehow get the feeling your aren't speaking of his 'rock climbing skills' form. I'm just sayin' ;)
I always love to read your responses, they make me smile! Here's something Shannon and I have in common (Who would guess?): One day I caught Rob and Big when surfing through and Meaty was riding a skateboard! Being a dog-maniac, I had to check this show out. If Meaty is featured, I'm there. Otherwise, I keep on goin'!
Love ya!
I can't believe it's Monday again! Where do my weeks go? So busy this one as we are preparing to launch from our little nest for a few days. Love reading these little known facts about you and your family. God bless you all this Thanksgiving. I'm so thankful for my new community of friends on the internet. You bless my heart with your kind words and constant encouragement.
Enjoy the week.
You crack me up! I'll admit...I giggled when I read #5.
Amen to the sushi. Yuk-E.
Not so amen to the cereal. Cereal is one thing I prefer not to go healthy. I'm on a fruit-loop kick right now. I do buy the lower sugar fruit loops, does that count?
I do eat low sugar apple cinnamon oatmeal every morning at work.
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