She is very ready to come home. She has been up and walking a little farther each day with the help of a walker; her vital signs have all been good too. Other than the morphine making her think that her spoon was hurting, she has done amazingly well. I am very proud of her. It is a very painful surgery to go through, and she has come through it like a champ.
Thank you all for your prayers for my mom and my family. We appreciate you all so much.
God Bless,
Ephesians 1:16
"I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers."

Praise God for this.
Glad she is feeling better and on the road to recovery...soon she'll be running marathons. God Bless!
Praise God! :)
That morphine does some crazy stuff, doesn't it???
So glad to hear she is doing well and almost ready to be released! I am sure she cannot wait to get home!
Have a great weekend!
Wonderful news, Amy! I've been praying for your mom!
Take a picture of your cross-stitch and show me! I love the words.
I'm so glad your mom is doing well. Been thinking of you.
Thanks for the update Amy. I will continue to pray for her. :)
God bless,
im sending more prayers over your way!!!!!!!!!
Sounds like she is doing great...and I'm sure that being home will speed it up. The comfort level will be huge! :)
Glad you updated!!
Well done Mum (Aussie talk) Mom (USA talk).
Sounds like she is doing well, surgery, no matter what kind is difficult and there is always recovery and most likely some kind of therapy necessary. It's good to hear your mom is doing ok.
Wonderful news! (doing the happy dance)
Praise God! Thanks for the update.
In His Graces~Pamela
So glad to hear that Mom is home and doing well.
Please let her know that, although I haven't been around blogville lately, I have been keeping her in my prayers. :)
So, what do you do for someone who's 'spoon' hurts??? Just curious ;)
Hey, friend!
I'm glad your mom is home and doing better. Keep us posted!
Loved these little tidbits! I think I have told you that I have the slit-end-picking problem too. And my family hates it. Why does that annoy them so much? Don't they know it's our hair???
I checked out your Myspace and Wow! You've got it goin' on! I have a Facebook, but I can never keep up. Not nearly as creative as you.
Thanks for your sweet words on my blog. That was a hard post for me.
I can't wait to see the cross-stitch!
Love ya!
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