It's that time again...Time for some more "Grilling Goodness." If you would like to join in all of the fun, just click here. Tina would love to have you all participate!
Now, on with the grilling.....
1. What's the worst thing you've ever sent through the washing machine/dryer?
My cat once went for a tumble
Don't judge.
It wasn't my fault.
It wasn't.
One day as I was transferring the clothes from the washer to the dryer, the cat jumped in the dryer while I was bent over getting clothes out of the washing machine.
I never even saw or heard the cat jump in the dryer.
But once I turned the dryer on, I heard this awful noise: THUMP, thud, THUMP, thud, THUMP, thud!
After the third or fourth THUMP, thud, I realized what was happening.
I panicked slightly, but I finally remembered that I could just open the dryer door to make it stop spinning. I have never seen a cat jump out of something so fast in my life.
And needless to say, the cat NEVER went near the dryer again. And I NEVER started the dryer again without doing a thorough inspection for cats.;)
2. Do you do any of your Christmas shopping online?
I have done some Christmas shopping online in the past, but this year, with all of my back pain nonsense, I may be doing a lot more of my shopping online.

3. What are you looking forward to this Thanksgiving?
My family and I have had quite the difficult year, so we are all looking forward to just being together. Period. We are all thankful that we have made it through this year, so whatever we are able to do together this Thanksgiving, we will be thankful just being able to do it.

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." ~John Fitzgerald Kennedy
4. What did you do before you had children that you miss doing now that you have children?
Being able to complete a sentence.
5. Do you have a fireplace? (Do you use it?)
Yes. And yes. We have a gas fireplace, and once the temperatures start turning colder, we use it every single day. We love it!
6. Do medical shows showing surgeries and blood freak you out?
I used to be a phlebotomist back when Moses was a boy, so blood does not bother me much.

And one of my favorite television shows is ER.

But with that being said, some surgery shows really freak me out. Especially plastic surgery shows.
I cannot watch them.
At all.
7. How long have you lived where you live?
Shannon and I have lived in our house here in Crazyville for over 17 years.

"Home Sweet Home."
8. What is one of your favorite seasonal items?
I would have to say I love scented candles this time of year. My favorite is Pomegranate Cider by Yankee Candle.

It smells perfectly delish!

HI Amy,
Just wanted to quick drop you a line...I am heading out this morning....I had no idea I would be in "Crazyville"....I wish I had more time....this is a business trip and my schedule is kind of jam packed....otherwise I would say we would try to get together. I will probably be back at some point.....now that I know we could plan ahead!!
Hope you have a great week!!
PS...ER is one of my all time favorite shows.....and I also love Yankee Candles....they make the house smell so good!!
I love Yankee Candles too.
I have never smelled that particular one..
A cat in the dryer..lol. I bet his hair was full of static electricity.. but I also bet he smelled nicer for a few days lol..
I love Amazon.com you can find everything there...
I am so excited you love the books. They are so addictive.. I cannot wait until Thursday!!! I am so stinkin' excited.
Oh, I bought a red sweater that I paid entirely to much for.. but oh, how I love it..
I love candles...especially the Christmas scents.
That's too funny about the cat....well, not funny, really...but you know. ;)
I love your house. What a beautiful setting.
Yes, Home Sweet Home!
You also have a beautiful family & I'm so happy you will all be together on Thanksgiving Day!
Have a very blessed week. Keeping you in my prayers that you'll be blessed more than you can ask or think.
I love yankee candles but I have never smelled that one! I am going to have to make a trip to the store!!!
Ahhh you are a girl after my own heart. I should (Oh ok I won't) put my cat in the dryer. She has driven me crazy this week.
Oh and I NEVER finish a sentence. I'm happy to finish a thought!!!
ER you know how much I love that show and who could not like a yankee candle!
I'm going to do a lot more online shopping this year. Any company with "free shipping" gets my vote!
Happy Monday.
With 4 cats in the house I ALWAYS check the dryer for this very reason!!
Mookie & Bookworm love the picture of your house...they are country girls trapped in the city!
This Thanksgiving we are truly thankful amen?
Have a great day friend : )
1. That is HANDS DOWN my favorite story about laundry! How funny!!
3. Amen, you've had some kind of year.
4. Uh, what'd you say? Mom, can I? Gimme, gimme...
5. Very cool little fireplace.
6. Oh really? I like plastic surgeries b/c of the before and after pictures...flabby belly, flat belly, that kind of thing.
7. Lovely hideaway in Crazyville, sigh.
8. Mmm...I may have to rush right out and snag one of these!!
Yay! Thanks for playing! I loved it!
I love reading these questions and answers each week! They're so fun. Also, thanks for letting me know about the Vera Bradley clearance, I will definitely be checking that out!
Pomegranate cider? I thought I had burned every Yankee Candle ever created! Have to try this one now!! My favorite is Christmas Cookie, or any other vanilla smelling goodie! love it.
Your comment about Thanksgiving just about made me cry. I'm so thankful that you all are doing better.
Happy day, friend.
What a blessing to read.
I have an electric fireplace. It actually looks like a woodstove like your gas one. It is cream color. It puts off some good heat in the living room.
Your place is so cozy but I do not envy your trees....oh but then you have ya a good man to tend to them. I have 11 huge trees and the loves are gorgeous but oh such a job by myself.
I love the photo of your house. It looks so cozy and inviting. The fire place looks cozy too. If it ever gets under 80 degrees here, maybe I could use mine. :) Have a great day!
God bless,
I got my mom a new candle this year, Yankee "Mulled Cider" which is the best thing I've ever smelled in my entire life!
I'm excited for you about Eclipse! It was hands down my favorite book. Are you going to see the movie this weekend? My sisters and I already preordered our tickets, we're such dorks. :)
Love your home...gorgeous...I'm jealous of all the trees. Show us more please!!! How you decorate...just curious.!!!
Perfect setting, your home is in. We would so love to be set back into a sanctuary of privacy and trees. We have a very nice home, don't get me wrong, we only wish it were in about 2 acres outside of town about 2 miles. Yes we do have a fireplace and we love it. Sorry I haven't been around much, life has been a little crazy and now that I think of it, where in the world is "CRAZYVILLE"?
1. ROFLMAO!!! I am dying over here!! I CANNOT believe that you DRIED YOUR CAT!!! BWAHAHAHAHa!! (Only you, I tell ya. Only You.)
2. Online shopping is the way to go when you have back pain (or you could ask a friend to help you out) :)
3. Amen sister! You and Bo..er Shannon are more than welcome to come to our house for some of my babe's good cookin'
4. Ah yes...there is that.
5. Hmmm...I guess I didn't realize that was a gas fireplace. I thought it was wood burning. How well does it warm your house? How bad is your gas bill in the winter? Inquiring minds want to know ;)
6. BLECH! Why did you put that picture of a needle going into someone's arm?? *Shiver*
No Reality surgery shows for me either *Shiver* LOVE ER (Note to self: Make sure Amy has seen the episode before you start talking about ER)
7. What a beautiful little house in the woods of crazyville...I wonder what wonderful people live there?? Maybe I'll stop by on my way to grandma's house for a bowl of porridge :)
8. I can't do a lot of scented things because of my sinuses but I'll bet they do smell pretty.
u crack me out!
Cat in the dryer?!?! You are hilarious!!!
I love Yankee candles, but haven't smelled that one before...I'll have to check it out.
I was cracking up and lol at number 1, don;t get me wrong I love animals, especially cats, but that is such a typical cat thing to do. I didn't know you even had a cat, I assume you don't anymore.
And amen to number 4 over and over again!
I am sorry I have been so scarce, life has been crazy here, and next week I'll be away from civilization, so I wont be very stalkerie then either. But I've scheduled all my posts, so I'l still osrt of be around.
If there is an internet cafe there, I'll probably check in a couple times. Anyhoo, good post I have missed laughing [at] with you. We need to get together sometime, is tuesday good for you, I'll just flit over and have tea shall I? and we'll talk all sorts of rubbish and be vonderful.
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